ADSL is a new technology Streamyx stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. This is commonly known as DSL and Streamyx provide high speed internet access to homes using the standard copper telephone lines. Streamyx is different from Internet access that is provided through cable television lines.
DSL is the primary competition of cable in the Internet service provider market. The primary advantage of cable is that it has faster and more flexible download and upload speeds compared to DSL. While DSL can provide you with a fast download speed, it is only one-way. Its upload speed is significantly slower than what cable can provide you. This is why DSL is primarily marketed to passive Internet users, meaning those who do not need to upload files frequently.
DSL does have some advantages over streamyx bills Its lower cost and wider Streamyx of availability might appeal to more prudent consumers. In smaller, lower-market cities, cable Internet access might not be available. These are places where DSL is more popular.
How do I test the speed of DSL?
You can test the speed of your Internet access by going to a website that offers this service. By sending your computer an information packet, which your computer will, in turn, send it back to them. The website will then measure the time it took your computer to download and upload the information packet and calculate the speed of your bandwidth.
This test will measure the ?actual speed? and ?true speed? of your internet access. Actual speed is the amount of useful data that your connection can transmit or receive per second. On the other hand, true speed also includes non-significant data along with the useful ones. True speed is not used when rating broadband speed Streamyx Only actual speed is used for this purpose.
A tm streamyx modem DSL connection will have download speeds of four mbps and upload speeds of six kbps. Cable can streamyx kl download speeds of up to eight mbps and upload speeds of 355 kbps.
ADSL provides detailed information on ADSL, ADSL Modems, ADSL Web Hosting, ADSL Routers and more. ADSL is affiliated with DSL Service.