Saturday, September 19, 2009

Miley Cyrus Pic Caught

Here she is, pretending to be riding for streamyx combo bike.

Many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) first Internet connection is with an inexpensive asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) account, or a wireless technology such as iBurst, and for the first few months the benefits of 24 hours, always on, Internet access far outweighs the minimal cost of the connection. As time goes by though businesses find that their bandwidth usage steadily grows. Before long the bandwidth that they originally had, starts to run out during the month and this this starts to happen earlier and earlier each month.

Due to the negligible cost of ADSL, the business starts to increase the cap on their account, rather than face the prospects of lost productivity due to slow or non-existent Internet connection. In cases where the business is on a soft-capped ADSL account they may not even upgrade at all leading even higher bandwidth costs as the out-of-bundle rate is much higher than the in-bundle rate. Over time bandwidth bills can grow to be a significant cost!

After a year or more the bandwidth bill has slowly grown to a point where it is a significant monthly cost. Most business don't question this growth in the bandwidth bill because:

  • it has happened incrementally over a relatively long period of time,
  • it is assumed that Internet usage grows as the workplace adjusts more and more of its workflow and processes to make use of the Internet,
  • it is assumed that since the business has grown so has the Internet usage,
  • For some reason people associate the Internet with "free"

Proper IT management processes need to be put in place

Whilst many of these assumptions are true it is a mistake to not question the amount of Internet usage in an organisation. The fact is that SMEs don't know what their bandwidth is being used for because there is no management process in place to monitor utilisation. In some respect the business has become a victim of its own success in that its IT management practices and infrastructure has not grown with the organisation. Bandwidth costs are something that should be monitored monthly!

Most SMEs rely on the barely acceptable features that come with their ADSL modem for the management of their Internet connection. Unfortunately, whilst this is ok for home users, it is not for a businesses. The first thing business owners should do is to start recording and monitoring usage. The easiest way to do this is to put a cheap, inexpensive firewall in place.

Any decent firewall will provide you with

  • detailed break down of bandwidth usage by protocol. internet jobs at home it it SMTP(mail), HTTP(Web) that is using all the bandwidth or is it something else like peer-to-peer networks like Kazaa or e-mule or maybe a zombie PC spamming the world on behalf of the Russian mafia?
  • Allow you to restrict internet usage to the web and mail only,
  • Allow you to prevent inappropriate and bandwidth hogging sites like YouTube and Facebook,
  • Save bandwidth by acting as a web proxy, i.e caching pages from frequently used sites so they are fetched only once,
  • Allow you to assign username and password to staff to enable you to track Internet abusers

Once you start managing the Internet connection rather than just treating it as a unknown you can start to mange the costs associated with it as well. Bear in mind that the costs may not only be increased bandwidth usage fees but also wasted time with employees spending more time responding to Facebook friends and arranging their social life than on work.

Mark Clarke has over 10 years experience consulting with companies and individuals on the best broadband option for their needs and budgets. Whether its ADSL,diginet,3g or iBurst. He currently works, part time, at the broadband connectivity solutions company assisting their customers in developing the most cost-effective and appropriate solution for their remote branches, road-warrior Streamxtvcom staff, and corporate Internet connectivity needs. He also consults on implementing firewalls and network management solutions, to help in the proper management of corporate networks. He occasionally works for where he advises corporate on how to cut their IT costs, and manage their infrastructure cost-effectively. Feel free to contact him at On Site Tech Support for any inquiries.

What is the Xbox 360 E74 Error?

With Tmnet Bill Online Services Xbox 360, you can enjoy countless hours of high definition gaming with some of the top selling games. But the Xbox 360 is not without its flaws and these flaws come in the form of annoying and mysterious errors where flashing red lights are the only hints that tell what the exact problems are.

If multiple lights around the power ring are flashing, the problem is pretty specific and can be easily looked upon by checking out Microsoft's Xbox support website.

Xbox 360 Errors

The dreaded "Red Ring of Death" which is symbolized by three flashing lights is the worst of the errors and thankfully this particular error that will be covered isn't as bad, but still needs attention because it is occurs quite commonly on overused systems.

Xbox 360 errors are a bit Telekom Malaysia Bhd descriptive if only the bottom light of the power ring flashes. When the part of the ring flashes, an error code should be displayed on the screen with an "E" and a two digit number with the first digit either a 7 or an 8.

Causes of E74 Error

Each error code highlights a different hardware specific problem such as the DVD drive or the hard drive. The E74 error is a bit more common than the rest of the single light errors because it occurs when there are problems with the GPU or cable, which is pretty much what takes the abuse during prolonged gameplay.

The Microsoft support website describes the E74 as a general hardware failure, but actually, the problem is more like a bigger version of the 2 flashing lights error, which is caused by overheating.

What makes the E74 different is that the thermal glue that is used ipoh city keep the GPU in place expands due to the heat exposure. send sms from web allows the GPU to move freely while processing allowing it to break its connection to the motherboard.

The GPU is responsible for those realistic graphics and visuals and without it, the only thing that is displayed is the E74.

If the GPU is okay, there could be a slight chance that the problem lies with the AV cable that transmits the graphics to the display. This is unlikely, but possible especially if the Xbox 360 isn't used very often.

How to Fix

Microsoft recently expanded the extended 3 year warranty to cover the E74 error in addition to the Xbox 3 red lights error. So if your system is still under warranty then you can send it to Microsoft to fix.

However if you are not under warranty then you can fix the error yourself. There are many repair guides that give you step by step instructions on how to repair the E74 error. Be sure to choose a guide with clear videos and simple repair methods.

After you fixed your problem, be thankful that you didn't have to buy a new console as what others have done. Next time try to keep the 24 hour gaming marathons to a minimum. After all everyone needs their sleep, even hardcore gamers.

Seth Taylor is the publisher of an informative web site that provides Xbox 360 repair reviews of the best guides to fix the Xbox 360 3 red lights error and other Xbox 360 errors.