Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Penang needs an economic plan, not tigers

MARCH 27 ?I am amused by one web tiger talk in Penang. In actual fact, we high speed internet service providers a forwarding-looking cable internet speed test well thought-out economic plan cheap business broadband not tigers. The premise of having a tiger park is to attract more tourists. Tourism is touted as the next big thing in Penang. Hence, it is clear that the state government langkawi malaysia not really that fond of tigers but wanted to use the streamyx announcement appeal of the animal to enhance tourism.

If this is the case, do we really need the tigers to rake in more tourism dollars? So far, the socio-economic development plans announced by the state are piecemeal at best. It has started a fund to eliminate hardcore tm streamyx com This is a good initiative. But the fund is bound to run out in the internet stock trading future if the money collected is only used to supplement the income of the hardcore poor.

For Sony things weren't looking so great going back to the Tokyo Games Show in September 2006. Sony was unveiling their eagerly anticipated new PlayStation 3 games system, and the demo units were spluttering and dying left and right. This was essentially bad news considering the recent recall of Sony's lithium ion batteries.

The problem was simply that the Playstation 3 console was overheating. A representative from an equities company was the first to report it and soon after, everybody in gaming industry was talking about the new PS3' overheating problem.

Actually, there were several reasons why the consoles were taking to overheating, that did not really have anything to do with the design of the machines themselves. To start with, the Tokyo Game Show was extremely hot. Anyone that's visited Japan in September will know that it's a brutal time of the year, and the venue was lacking air-conditioning. There were 200 PlayStation 3 all in action close to one another, which is probably poor planning on the part of the organizers. To internet marketing services things worse, all the consoles were sealed in cases to prevent anybody from peeking into the machine. This means that unfortunately there was no way that the exhaust fans, which were reportedly operating just fine, could get streamyx business of all that heat.

It seems obvious that with 200 consoles in sealed cases in sweltering conditions that they would overheat. Still, it looked very bad. Representatives from Sony were all over the place during October stating that there weren't any overheating issues and streamyx combo gamers were sceptical.

To make things worse for Sony was the recent recall of the lithium ion batteries, which are mostly used within there Vaio Laptops. The batteries were overheating and bursting into flames! This resulted in a massive recall of nearly seven million batteries being returned, and this was a massive financial blow to Sony. Critics commented that Sony was actually aware of this problem but didn't act quickly enough, and if they had, the recall may have been avoided. Taking all this into account, it did effect Sony's reputation pretty badly, combined with the overheating demos at the Tokyo Game Show looked much worse. With batteries exploding and the new PlayStation console choking away, many investors decided to pull out. At that time, Sony's share price dropped 2.75%

Now, since the release of the PlayStation 3 console late last year, how many machines have been over heating? The good news seems to be that nobody has reported their machines over heating. It may have been just a fluke. In view of the variety of reasons why the consoles were getting over heated at the Tokyo Game Show, none of which seems to be down to the machines themselves, and all lack of consumer confidence and bad press blew it way out of proportion.

It has been experienced by many gamers that after prolonged gaming, sometimes 48 hours straight (more or less), playing various games on the PlayStation 3, there was no trouble to report. The fans continued to run quietly, there was warm air coming out of the back, it got hot as all consoles do, but not too hot, and no overheating trouble was noticed. The only problems were bleary eyes, backs and thumbs, and delirium due to a complete lack of sleep and video game overdose.

Finally, if you don't believe the lack of PlayStation 3 overheating problems, check out the gaming forums, you won't hear anything about PS3 on these issues.

For more information on the PlayStation 3 try visiting, a popular games console website that provides console news, tips, and game reviews for the Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.